




Sikari J. Artaius began his journey as a Shamanic Practitioner after unexpectedly experiencing his own death in 2017. Thankfully, there was a greater plan in place for Sikari. The powers that be decided it was not yet his time to depart from this world, and it was agreed that his life would be spared so he could live in service of healing others.


After having his birth chart interpreted, he learned that certain planetary alignments at the time of his birth hinted at shamanistic capabilities. Through research and self-development, he discovered compelling supporting information.

As it turns out, the native people of Finland, known as Finns, were shamans, and their bloodline never died off. Their genes are still present in modern-day Finnish people. His father was born in Finland, and when Sikari had his DNA analyzed, it showed he was about 48% Finnish. This connection between his birth chart and his genetic makeup was fascinating, so he delved into the topic a little further.

The Finno-Ugric shaman, known as the Tietäjä (meaning “knower”), was believed to possess knowledge beyond that of ordinary humans regarding the supernatural world and techniques for interacting with it. This figure, equivalent to a shaman, was often identified by having an extra tooth at birth. Becoming a shaman was not a matter of personal choice; rather, it was the supernatural beings who selected the shaman. Initiation into shamanism was said to occur through significant illness or life-and-death experiences.

In 2013 an x-ray was taken of Sikari’s teeth. It was discovered that in his right mandible there is an extra tooth. The mark of a shaman.

Bear with me

The Finns believe that humans are direct descendants of the great bear. This belief stems partly from the similarities in skeletal structure when the bear stands on its hind legs, resembling a human’s internal structure. The bear is honored and worshiped for its strength and resilience in surviving harsh climates. As the earth’s life cycle reaches its annual death, the bear retreats to slumber, as if to die itself. Yet every spring, it rises again. This is not just a death but a rebirth. It is also said that the bear is merely a man who has rejected modern society and retreated to the forest, only to be transformed into a wild beast under the ferocity of Mother Nature.



After evaluating his next steps which came in the form of multiple existential crises, he began dedicating his energy towards expanding his knowledge and understanding of metaphysics, human behavior, trauma, psychology, and various philosophies. These insights became invaluable to Sikari as he was able to apply many of his learnings to his life and establish practical, real-world methods of using various psychological healing techniques, largely based on self-discovery.

As his spiritual journey continued, he found little enjoyment in the material aspects of life that once brought him much joy. “But why?” he asked himself “I’ve done everything I was supposed to do.” He learned a trade and became a carpenter, went back to school for Architecture and graduated with honours, got the job and learned the ins and outs until he started his own business. But he was still left feeling unfulfilled in life. This feeling plagued Sakari as he didn’t understand why he felt as if nothing he did, was ever good enough.

At that moment, he realized he wasn’t living his own life. Instead, he was fulfilling the expectations imposed by external forces, something ingrained in all of us by society from the day we are born.

Since then, Sakari sold everything he owned, including his house. The only exceptions were his tarot cards, crystals, and a few cherished items like a Victorian kaleidoscope left by his grandparents, a beloved object that brought him joy and wonder as a child. With the proceeds from his previous life, Sakari purchased a van and began living a more nomadic lifestyle. This new way of life was challenging, as van life didn’t have all the comforts and luxuries of a typical residence. However, this freedom to travel allowed Sakari to follow his intuition. Along his travels, he has been guided all over the country to visit sacred locations and speak with specific individuals who were in need of healing.

It became clear to him that this was part of his life’s purpose. Sakari continues to follow the guidance of the universe and is excited to see what the future holds. Follow along with Sakari, “The Virtuous Viking,” as he shares his travels and the lessons he’s learned along the way.
